Meet our team
Hawaii Chapter

'Golden' Jennifer Gibson
For over thirty years Golden has been a vegan and raw food, plant-based chef where she received her training as a vegan, raw food chef at the “The Raw Experience” and “The Vegan”, both located in beautiful Paia, Maui Hawaii.
Golden co-authored “Incredibly Delicious Cookbook” with Gentle World, a non-profit organization where Golden has enjoyed her position as board member of the non-profit organization for over thirty years.
Gentle World strives to enhance the quality of life for humans and animals through educational programs that impart the fundamental skills for living a plant-based, vegan lifestyle.
India Chapter

Zameer Chinwalla
As a Certified ESG and Sustainability Professional, Zameer works with businesses to foster the growth of a regenerative economy.
Bringing over 10 years of experience in the areas of Business Development, Programme, Operations and Contract Management, Finance and Accounting, across sectors ranging from Aerospace, Banking and Financial Services, Trade & Investment Bodies of Diplomatic Missions and Eco-Smart Technologies.
A holder of the Pledge to the Mission LIFE (Lifestyle for Environment), under the Ministry of Enviorment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Govt. of India and a founder member of the National Association of Impact Leaders (NAIL), under the exegesis of the, IICA, Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
New Zealand Chapter

Magic Rees
Magic Rees is a vegan-organic gardener and educator. A professional orchardist and market gardener since 1980, he became the head gardener at shangri-La, Gentle World’s Vegan Educational Centre in New Zealand, in 1999.
Magic co-founded the Far North organics Association on which he served as a board member and as an organic Inspection Certifier for 10 years. Teaching people how to successfully grow food veganically has become one of his greatest passions.
Co-Founder & Director

Colleen Chen
Colleen is an expert in Leadership, Organization, Legal Structure And Policies, Pro Systems, Educational Programs And Publishing. Colleen is a Harvard graduate with an advanced degree in Law and currently practices in the areas of family well-being.
A primary concern for Colleen is the educational eco-system that ultimately shapes a person’s character and development as an adult. For this reason she emphasizes a commitment to a high quality educational retreat programs and joins in the commitment of Sacred Retreats mission as director and co-founder.
Co-Founder & Director

KaShiva UmAnanda
KaShiva attended Himalayan Institute beginning in 1992 for certification in teaching yoga and meditation, was initiated (Guru Diksha) by founder, Swami Rama. She founded Human Design Planet, and Soul Design University as educational programs about Human Design, she is an ordained minister and initiated Lakota Medicine Woman. Kashiva has attended Kailasa Nithyananda Hindu University for Bachelors of Hindu Spiritual Sciences, with on-going daily studies in Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda Sciences. She is an Initiated disciple of H.D.H Nithyananda.
KaShiva attended IUPU for studies in criminal justice and business management and received series 6 security license for investment advising.
KaShiva continues her pursuit of sharing ancient principles for living a sacred lifestyle through Sacred Retreats and through the educational forum for vegan lifestyle, Shiva Diva Vegan. KaShiva publishes ongoing newsletters to an international audience on evolutionary principles for living a sacred lifestyle and offers private, one-on-one coaching sessions for gaining clarity on personal development and career guidance.